Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year everyone!  I hope you had a great New Year's eve. We went to the Vaughans'  house and stayed there until 12:30, blew horns, then went home and got to bed around 1:00a.m.. How are you going to say 2010, twenty-ten or two thousand ten?  I'm going to use this blog to post stories, articles and other things that I write. I'm really exited. Happy Holidays!

Caroline Meek


  1. Hi Blogger! :):)

    I am very excited about receiving your stories and accounts of your activities. I have never blogged before, so you are giving me a new experience! I am going to say twenty-ten. That is shorter! I've got to go now and fix treats for you and your sisters. I'll stayed tuned. xoxo Love, Gramma
