Monday, February 20, 2017

Inspiration Sought Me Out

You are given words because you've been searching for an answer for so long,
and the only way you're ever going to listen is if God places the words
in your heart and lets you write them out yourself.

You are given words because the person sitting next to you has been drowning
for the last few days and your words are the only thing that can
speak life into their hurting heart.

You are given words because the inspiration has settled in
to your neighborhood, sought you out, and perched on your
front door step until you grant it wings by acknowledging its existence.

You are given words because you asked
how you could change the world.

You are given words because you have everything to say
but nothing with which to make the thoughts come true
other than your black ink on the paper.

You are given words because somebody in the heavens
wanted you to give a second life to
every beautiful thing that He breathed beauty into.

You are given words so you could let them stir
in your mind for ages, just hanging in the air,
and soak in the eternity of possibilities written there.

Saturday, February 4, 2017


Dear friend.....

You have a message to share with this world.  Whether it's some much-needed inspiration, or technical advice for writing the perfect villain, or the fluffiest ship ever, you know something about this process we call writing.

It doesn't matter if you've been writing for 8 days or 8 years - wherever you are in life, you've had experiences that qualify you to speak. To write.

Aaaaaaand without further ado, it's time to announce a huge new project - *WILD DRUMROLL*

Project Canvas is something I've been brainstorming for months now, and it's finally ready to be pushed out into the world.  Right now I'm sitting in a coffeeshop, surrounded by people who are probably wondering why I'm smiling and practically rocking back and forth with excitement.  I don't think the large coffee helped either....

This is an international, collaborative writing project that will result in a book of writing inspiration and advice for fellow writers.  Everyone has an expertise in writing, and this is an opportunity for you to share yours with the world!


The process is simple.  Check out the website, choose from one of, like, 100 different topics (or make your own), and contact me to reserve it!  Each article should be about 200-2000 words long. Our timeline is pretty flexible and long term, so we'll be accepting articles/mini-chapters until summer of this year, around May/June 2017.  The tentative release date for the book is January 2018.

My favorite thing about this project is the fact that it's going to involve so many people from so many places.  The blogging/writing community is so extensive and reaches all around the world, so this book is going to include beautiful and incredibly helpful writing advice from people you've maybe known for years - like Hannah White, Katie Erickson, Olivia Rogers, Carlyn Ross, and Kristana Aleman - as well as amazing people you've never met before!  A conglomeration of knowledge and passion from some of your favorite people, about your favorite topic - writing!

It's also a great way to be exposed to a greater network of people, as Project Canvas will be promoted nationally and internationally on people's blogs and social media.  There will be opportunities to participate in a blog tour and get your name out there.  Let me know if you're interested in being involved beyond just writing an article - such as helping with promotion, editing, etc.

Link to our website:  Also, Hannah's post about #PC: "Embrace Your Differences".

Also, spread the word by telling all your writerly penguin frens to join us in our mission to inspire the writing community!  Post about this on your beautiful blogs and share /all the things/ on social media.  Feel free to use all the graphics in this post. :)

I can't wait to hear what you all think, and to get this project off the ground!  It's been a dream for so long.  Now, I just have to push it out of the window and hope to goodness that the parachute opens and we start flying.

~Caroline Meek

What message do you have for the world?