Monday, January 8, 2018

when your new year isn't new

New Year's didn't exactly feel "new" this year.

Like that magic you feel when the calendar flips over. It just wasn't quite there this time. 2017 flowed into 2018, and the First Week of the Year feels the same as last week. I woke up January 1st with the same anxieties running through my head. The "New Year" couldn't quite erase the problems of last year. And I couldn't quite put my finger on why.  Why didn't the reset button work this time?

The question has been swimming around in the back of my head like a confused penguin all week. I haven't really stopped to think about it until now, when I was writing a letter to my fren Aimee, who makes me happy and inspired.  So this post is sponsored (unwittingly) by her.

Maybe it's this: maybe I don't need things to be "new" right now.

Maybe they are beautiful and good and right-for-me just the way they are, and maybe I just need need to learn how to fully appreciate them.

I think I just need to learn how to live the life I have right now.

For the most part, I love everything about it. I love college and I love my friends and the future is this wide open thing that I'm equal parts confident and excited about.  But at the same time, I get way too stressed about it all.

This year, I want to learn how to thrive where I am.  2017 was the "New Year".  College and emotions and new people and SO MANY THINGS HAPPENED.

2018 will be the year for making peace with it all, learning how to love it, and just living this life. :) Cause it's a good life. :)

How does your 2018 feel, and what does new mean for you?


  1. Wow. I never thought of it this way! I certainly felt weird when the clock changed over this year because it didn't feel different. Last year, I couldn't wait for 2017 to come. When it changed, it was like a huge burden was lifted off of my shoulders. This year was completely different. Sure, it's a new year, but not entirely new. But I guess that's not a bad thing either.

    Thanks for this! I really needed it right about now!

    1. Yeah, it was definitely different. I guess we'll just keep figuring it out :) I hope you're having a good start to your year!

  2. I totally think it's great if you're peaceful and like happy with how your life is tracking right now!! That's honestly beautiful and I'm so happy for you. 💖💖

    1. Thank you Cait <3 It's been a pretty good year so far.

  3. I felt the same way this year. I wanted 2016 gone in August, so it was a massive relief when that year ended, but it wasn't the same way in 2017 to 2018. Great post!

    1. Thank you! It's pretty weird but I guess it's okay <3

  4. I've totally been fighting with this for ages. Things haven't felt different yet, but I think that that's okay. <3

  5. That sound funny but you have a point. What we had on the past years seems to be the same every new year comes. But I guess that's what it is :)

  6. Yeah most of the time this what I feel but its fine. I got used to it though.

  7. I feel the same. What's awful is that things are getting worse for me. I hope this starts changing even if it's not new year anymore.

  8. I also felt the same. There are things that will stay the same even we we say that we have to change 'coz its new year.

  9. For me its actually funny 'coz I admit I always do like a new years resolution but it always an epic fail lol.
