Thursday, December 21, 2017

ordinary is okay

hey there.

this is a smol post. this is me reminding myself that not everything has to be



that you can write blog posts by opening your computer and typing your thoughts out and sometimes – sometimes you have to be casual and spontaneous to access the deepest of revelations.  sometimes the most sincere words come out when you're sitting at the computer, typing stream-of-consciousness, not worried about the result. 

reality: i want to post on this blog more
problem: every time i think about posting, i feel pressure and can't even decide on a topic
solution: stop treating it like the declaration of independence

i started writing this post randomly, but now i'm serious about this. i really want to blog more often, but i'm so held back. so this blog is gonna change a little, maybe. i'm gonna be okay with just typing out what i think and posting it. posting without a fancy little graphic, sometimes.  just writing, journaling, giving my thoughts permission to exist.

not everything is an official document that must be signed by 56 people and framed on the wall and protected with laser technology

it's okay if it has typos

heck, i even warned you in my blog header - we're gonna have typos. and it's funny cause i'm not notorious for making typos when i type.  it goes beyond that – i think i was reminding myself that we don't have to be perfect.

who cares about typos, anyway

so this is my declaration of independence, and maybe it isn't as fancy as i would have wanted it to be.  but i think there's a lot of power in letting things be casual.  occasionally, i'll start writing a random story, just for fun.  a few pages in, i start really liking it.

"wow caroline, you might onto something. this is genius. everyone's gonna love it."

as soon as i label the thing as 'extraordinary', everything gets harder. i have to keep impressing myself.  we have Standards now, and everything i write is suddenly not-good-enough. something happens in the transition from ordinary to extraordinary.  what started out as a random, enjoyable thing now has stakes, and often times, stakes and creativity don't get along.

maybe just...let some things be ordinary. let them live their lives without recognizing them as amazing. when the time comes, you can look back and say wow, that's an extraordinary thing.

write your declarations of independence on plain white paper, and don't ask anyone to sign off until the thing is finished. for the time being, it's okay to be ordinary.

*clicks publish without making any fancy graphics and feels wildly rebellious*
~ Caroline :)


  1. I LOVED THIS POST. and dude, writing your thoughts is what you totally should do if that's what /you/ want. write because you want to write on here, not because you want others to like it. basically go ahead and post whatever you want to and we'll read it - don't be afraid of that publish button and what other people think cuz it honestly doesn't matter xD

    'maybe just...let some things be ordinary. let them live their lives without recognizing them as amazing. when the time comes, you can look back and say wow, that's an extraordinary thing.' << this. love this. love this whole thing basically xD thanks, Caroline!

    1. dude <3 thanks so much. it seems like a relatively simple concept, but i keep forgetting it. i've had this blog for almost 8 years now, so it's gone through a lot of phases: journaling to school assignments to writing advice to really random i'm just gonna let it keep evolving. it's gonna be the most real thing i can make it in this moment. <3

  2. OH WOW i really lovedddd this!!! I think we should all write what we feel like, write what we're passionate about or are dreams for the future...and if someone likes it they can comment and everything is good. at least that's my little thing that i tell myself :D
    anyways, i totally loved this, great post. xx

    1. YES! I like that way of looking at it and it's true - you put those words out there, and they're *you*, and either way, it's okay. <3 thank you!

  3. I believe all of us can relate to this because sometimes I just want to pour out my my emotions but I get scared that I'll reveal too much.

    And on the other hand, I'm transitioning from making my blog ordinary to more professional so I'm caught between two options xD

    1. honestly. it's a hard thing to balance and there are amazing things about both of them. normally i try to have certain things that are professional, then make sure I have other ones that aren't <3

  4. I would sign this declaration of print ;)

    this post really made me think.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Caroline, thank you so much for sharing this with us! I struggle with the same problem and I think giving your thoughts permission to exist is a wonderful idea. Looking forward to your future posts! xo

    2. You're welcome! And yes. Let your thoughts be freeeee <3
